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高中英语词组 get at 是什么意思?


发布时间: 2021-03-25 16:04



冯振国 二级教师 2021-03-25 16:21

get at 得到; 接近 I can't get at the tool on the shelf. 我够不着架子上的工具. The cat is on the chair trying to get at the bird. 猫在椅子上想逮那只鸟. The files are difficult for you to get at. 档案你是难以看到的. He is a hard man to get at. 他是一个很难接近的人. Be sure the private papers cannot be got at by curious eyes. 千万不要让好奇的人看到这些机密文件. 找到,发现 I should like to get at some of the papers in that drawer. 我想找到那个抽屉里的某些文件. I got a look at how he worked. 我看见他怎样工作. 暗示,意指 What was Betty getting at when she said she knew our secret? 当贝蒂说她知道我们的秘密时,她指的是什么? 买通,贿赂 The gangsters couldn't get at the mayor. 流氓们无法贿赂市长. 责备 He's always getting at his wife. 他总是责备他的妻子.

