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什么时候用suffer什么时候用suffer from?另外对于survive和survive from我也不清楚


发布时间: 2021-03-25 15:53



时水芸 高级教师 2021-03-25 16:37

suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难. suffer vi.受痛苦;受损害 vt.遭受;忍受 from sth); (on sth) continue to live or exist 继续生存或存在 * Many strange customs have survived from earlier times.有许多古怪的习俗源远流长. * I can't survive on £30 a week,ie It is not enough for my basic needs.我每周收入30英镑难以活命 现在详细的介绍一下survive的用法 当做 经过事故战争或者疾病继续生存下来讲 可以做及物动词也可以做不及物动词 例句:Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived. She survived the attack. people who survive cancer 当做 不管有很多问题,仍然可以正常的生活 英文注释:to continue to live normally in spite of many problems 例句:I'm sure she will survive this crisis. I've had a tough few months,but I'll survive. 以上是典型的做及物动词的两个意思 survive on 是当不及无动词做“即使有很少的钱仍旧设法正常生活【to manage to live a normal life even though you have very little money】时 on一般接很少的物质(money) 参照例句:I don't know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy's salary. the amount that a family needs each week just to survive survive from 做不及物动词 而做“经过很长时间仍然继续存在【to continue to exist after a long time】”比如说 古老的建筑 或者文学著作 等等 from后往往加一段很长的时间 例如 Several buildings in the town have survived from medieval times. suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤 suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰 suffer (vt.) 和suffer from的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难. 名词形式:suffering suffer 1.感到疼痛、痛苦 He died very quickly,he didn't suffer much.他死得很快,没有多少痛苦. 2.承受,遭受 You must be prepared to suffer consequences.你要准备承担后果. suffer from 1.患有(疾病等) She suffers from headache.她患头痛病 2.为...所苦,因...而吃苦头 Our business has suffered from lack of investment.我们的企业因缺乏投资而受苦. I'm suffering from a real lack of time this week. 我这周为时间不够用而苦. Mrs.White's little boy is suffering from a bad flu bug again. 怀特太太的小孩又再患了严重的感冒.

