更新时间:2018-11-22 15:57作者:王华老师
1 protected成员函数能被肿么调用
2 “has-a” relationship是指的啥,答案有instance, reference, pointer等。。。
3 int, char, short, long的字节数
4 在C++中,变量用时声明是为啥
5 命名空间的作用
6 int a[10][10];
int *b[10];
a[3][4] = 91;
b[3][4] = 91;
a[1] =NULL;
b[1] = a[2];
7 12&&10, 12||10, 12&10, 3>>1, 3>1的结果
8 x86_64系统下
int i;
char c;
double d;
int i;
char c;
double d;
char s[100];
long c;
10. An employee has one or two managers, and one manager manages one or more employees. In database conceptual design, the relationship between entity sets employee and manager is
A one to one
B one to many
C many to one
D many to many