更新时间:2018-11-28 13:29作者:李天扬老师
I will get better, one day,some day,just won't be today.
我会好起来的。总有一天,某一天。只是不是今天If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday .想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don't have one.不想伤心最好的办法就是假装自己没心没肺。Are you thinking of me at the same time as I'm thinking of you?想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我Don't wait. The time will never be just right.不要再等待,现在就是行动的最佳时刻。Yesterday is history .Tomorrow is a mystery .But today is a gift .昨日已逝,明天尚远,今天才是老天赐予的礼物When people treat you like nothing, you begin to feel like nothing.当别人不把你当回事的时候,自己也会开始变得不自信。The worst feeling is no more than wondering whether to wait or give up.最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。When you have nothing to lose,it's time to gain.当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。Sometimes I just need to hear you sayEverything's gonna be OK.有时候我只是需要听到你说:一切都会好的。I'm just an ordinary women. i just ask stability for my sentiment.我只是个平凡的女人,感情也只贪个安稳What is a man's first duty? The answer is brief: To be himself.