
更新时间:2018-10-27 01:05作者:王华老师

    A war with no allies probably helps the U.S. more than it hurts it, since it would relieve the American military from having to worry about the safety of Japan, and especially Taiwan, which means the USN is free to operate without being tied down.
    Then you're talking USN versus PLAN, and I don't think the PLAN is quite their yet in being able to challenge the USN, though it is certainly making rapid strides. That's about all that war would be though. There is no chance that either United States or the PRC would be able to sustain land operations against each other.
    I suppose the U.S. could deploy B-1 and B-2 bombers against China, though that would undoubtedly be risky, and it probably could toss some submarine based cruise missiles at the Chinese mainland.
    Charlie Bravo(美国)
    I still see a ground assault on the Chinese mainland as an exercise in futility. Better to starve the dragon and force it to capitulate than to fight it head on and lose.
    I was not trying to speak about invading China as that is nigh on suicidal, i was only speaking in relation to what they were saying. We (being the US) have enough air and sea power to starve China into submission. However, the most difficult part will be trying to cover China's boreder with Russia. If we cannot do something about that border, the US will not be able to fully cut off the Chinese.
    Yeah, personally if this went done, Russia would almost have to join in on one side or the other. Without knowing how other countries in the region stand, its nigh on impossible to predict what will happen. All we can do is present possible scenerios but as others have stated the best option is to blockade China. The invasion idea is almost identical to the invasion of Japan, only on a much larger scale land wise. The prediction for losses of that possible campaign were half a mi;llion or a million, i am not netirely sure on that. Those losses would probably be in the tens of millions if we invaded China.


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