
更新时间:2018-08-21 08:49作者:李一老师

    When I came to the company, strange surroundings, strange people and things, I felt a little stiff and tried to make my smile less clumsy. On the first day, not as I imagined, the personnel manager brought us familiar with the company's environment and met new colleagues. Everyone seems to be busy. Maybe this is the peak season for business.

    This is the first time that we have formally joined the society and set foot on the job. Go to work at regular hours every day, and recognize during work.

    You can finish your work on time, and you can't afford to be careless. We begin to carry civil responsibility on our shoulders, and we should be careful and careful, or we may pay a huge price for a small mistake at any time, and no longer can be solved by a sentence of sorry and an apology.


    When I first entered the workplace, I found that I didn't know much about it. Now in the office, there will be some books in the time of leisure, although the major of my study is not used at this time, but I think we should learn more, some skills in the future work can also give me a few choices. At the beginning, we should do our work well. After all, we have no work experience. Now we have to exercise ourselves from all aspects if we have the chance. Otherwise, anything will do well in the future. My current job is not very difficult. It's easy to get into work. The key is to learn how to speak, attitude and practice to people. Due to lack of experience, I still lack this aspect. Only now can I understand how good it is to be a student in school. Sooner or later, we have to work. Sooner or later, we must enter the society. We must face these unavoidable things sooner or later. So, now I cherish the opportunity to study, learning more than not learning better, the same time to spend the same time, more learning, for the future career will be of great help.




    2019-06-22 07:42



    2019-06-21 10:07



    2019-06-21 09:48


    龙抬头,农历二月初二 ,俗称青龙节,传说是龙抬头的日子,它是我国农村的一个传统节日,名曰“龙头节”。俗话说:“二月二,龙抬头,大家小户使耕牛。”此时,阳气回升,大地解冻,春耕将始,正是运粪备耕之际。传说此节起源于三皇之首伏羲氏时期。伏羲氏“重农桑,务耕田”,每年二月二这天,“皇娘送饭,御驾亲耕”,自理一亩三分地。后来黄帝、唐尧、虞舜、夏禹纷纷效法先王。

    2019-06-21 06:05



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