更新时间:2018-11-22 15:52作者:三水老师
1.How good do you see yours programming skills?Please circle your answe
C: Fair/Good/Excellent
C++: Fair/Good/Excellent
2.Please estimate your programming experince:
How many lines of code are your biggest C Program ever written exclud
ing the
standard linked library?
How many lines of code are your biggest C++ program ever written excl
uding the
standard linked library?
3.Please explain the following terms
Data Encapsulation
4.What is a virtual base class?How do you declare such a class?How woul
d you use
it in a design?
5.What is a template or container class?How do you declare such a class
6.Which are the access control levels for C++ language?
7.What is RTTI?How do you achieve RTTI in your design?